Lies We Need to Stop Telling About Love.

jax skalecki
13 min readAug 29, 2022
Image by 👀 Mabel Amber, who will one day from Pixabay

There are some seemingly innocuous yet insidious beliefs about love we use to poison our minds happily. I don't mean this in a dark, brooding, poetic way. I mean it, as a matter of fact.

We have well-rehearsed narratives, stories that we repeat over and over again. We post them in our Facebook feeds and splatter them in memes all over our Instagram accounts. They are the catchphrases in…



jax skalecki

I became a writer the moment I could mark with a crayon. Nowadays, I prefer purple pen. Serendipity is finding a creative space to be, with my dog as my #1 fan.